Monday, May 25, 2009


Photo by Amir SidhartaTaken from Amir Sidharta Album on FaceBook, 26/5/09.

There was an exhibition called Easy Project, its already held three times, the last one was in CMNK Gallery, more than 20 young artists joined this exhibition. Tisa Granicia, Nuri Fatima, Fauzy Kamal, Ewing, Mufti Priyanka, Budi Adi Nugroho, Irine Stephanie, Batsebha Alanggia, Dimas, Ageng Purnagalih, Bini Fitriani, Chacha Kemod, Dana, and some other artists collaborated to work in a place like home, bookstore, and other specific place. They want to exhibit the artworks outside the art gallery, some artists said. This is their statement of the project. But what is wrong with the art gallery ? maybe they just don't like the atmosphere that very strong with specific audience, specific appreciation, oh yes, they don't like to be judge on their works, no curatorial, no specific display rules, one day exhibition, one nite and fun, with some friends and like reunion. So, was that still specific audience, then? it will be good if the audience: broaden and the artist: various, so, just have fun with your works, guys! and let other people enjoy! Some curators come, like Rifky Effendy, Aminudin TH Siregar, Asmudjo Jono Irianto, Amir Sidharta, and some gallery owner like Rachel Ibrahim, Dedi Langgeng, Ibu Elina and Pak Alfonso, so its good for them to see this 'alternative' exhibition. furthermore to see another refreshment of art exhibition.
So, you go go in the next project and always elaborate with your ideas! cheers!!!


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